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Welcome to the Authentic Wood World of Texas LLC website. Don't be fooled by any other imitation sites. We are located in Dallas Texas and this is our only location. All emails will come from or If you have any questions please call us at 972-669-9130 and ask for Craig C WE WILL BE CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY
Welcome to the Authentic Wood World of Texas LLC website. Don't be fooled by any other imitation sites. We are located in Dallas Texas and this is our only location. All emails will come from or If you have any questions please call us at 972-669-9130 and ask for Craig C WE WILL BE CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY

Lumber Stock List

lumberstock list



Hardwood lumber is sold by the board foot and in the rough with widths and thicknesses being random. Thickness is designated in fractions. Thus, 4/4 equals 1″ in the rough and 8/4 equals 2″. We have our material surfaced down to the nearest 1/8″. A 4/4″ board is surfaced down to 7/8″and 8/4 is 1 7/8″ thick. We also have all boards ripped with one straight edge so you can run it through your table saw. 


We can order lumber in the rough for you but the minimum order quantity is 50 bf.

 Board Footage =
width in inches x length in feet x thickness in inches
Divided by 12
– or –
width in inches x length in inches x thickness in inches
Divided by 144

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  African Mahogany 
Mahogany African


Stocking: 4/4, 6/4, 8/4, 12/4 & 16/4

African Mahogany’s heartwood color is variable, ranging from a very pale pink to a deeper reddish brown, sometimes with streaks of medium to dark reddish brown. Color tends to darken with age. Quarter-sawn surfaces can also exhibit a ribbon-stripe appearance. Grain is straight to interlocked, with a medium to coarse texture. Good natural luster with a light-refracting optical phenomenon known as chatoyancy.
Alder – Superior and Knotty  


Stocking: Knotty Alder 4/4 & Superior Alder 8/4

Knotty Alder is graded for a high-end rustic / knotty appearance for use in doors, moulding’s and cabinets. 
Superior Alder is the top grade in Alder.  It’s primarily used for moulding’s and applications where clear faced cuttings are required
Aromatic Cedar – Eastern Red Cedar  


aromatic                  Stocking: 4/4 & 8/4


Also known as Eastern Red Cedar. It has a reddish heart wood with white sap wood. Knot are common in this lumber and most are “closed” or t”tight” knots. As name suggests the wood has an aromatic smell, which makes it ideal for closets and blanket chests.
  Ash – White


Stocking: 4/4, 6/4 & 8/4

White Ash is mainly used for furniture, flooring, doors, architectural millwork and moulding, kitchen cabinets, paneling, tool handles, baseball bats, hockey sticks, skis, oars and turnings. Ash machines well, is good in nailing, screwing and gluing, and can be stained to a very good finish. It dries fairly easily with minimal degrade, and there is little movement in performance. Its color runs from an off white to a golden color with well defined grain.


 Also Stocked in S4S: 1×2, 1×4, 1×6, 1×8 & 1×12


Stocking: 4/4, 8/4 & 16/4

 Basswood is pale white to light brown color, with sapwood and heartwood sections not clearly defined. Growth rings tend to be subtle, and color is mostly uniform throughout the face grain of the wood. Knots and other defects are uncommon. Grain is straight, with a fine, even texture and moderate natural luster. Easy to work, being very soft and light. Perhaps one of the most suitable wood species for hand carving. Basswood also glues and finishes well, but has poor steam bending and nail holding characteristics.


Stocking: 4/4 & 8/4

  Beech is typically a pale cream color, sometimes with a pink or brown hue. Veneer tends to be slightly darker colored, as slicing the veneer usually requires the wood to be prepared with steam, which gives the wood a more golden tone. Grain is straight, with a fine to medium uniform texture. Moderate natural luster. Overall good workability; it machines well, and glues, finishes, and turns well. Beech also responds superbly to steam-bending. It does, however, have a large amount of movement in service, so movement and wood stability must be taken into account.


             Special Order Only

Birch has a heartwood tends to be a light reddish brown, with nearly white sapwood. Occasionally figured pieces are available with a wide, shallow curl similar to the curl found in Cherry. There is virtually no color distinction between annual growth rings, giving Birch a somewhat dull, uniform appearance. Grain is generally straight or slightly wavy, with a fine, even texture. Low natural luster. Generally easy to work with hand and machine tools, though boards with wild grain can cause grain tearout during machining operations. Turns, glues, and finishes well.
  Birdseye Maple


  Stocking When Available
 Birdseye Maple is a rare and mysterious characteristic found in hard maple. There have been theories as to how Birdseye maple forms, but no scientific evidence has been presented to verify the true roots of its existence. The one-of-a-kind figure is sought after in all cultures by a multitude of woodworkers, craftsman, and artists. Birdseye maple is excellent for custom pool cues, musical instruments, furniture, and small items such as jewelry boxes due to its unique and amazing figure.


Black Limba  
 black limba


Stocking: 8/4

Black Limba lumber is separated for color and sold as white (without black streaks) or black (with black streaks). The wood is relatively soft and easy to work. Medium coarse texture. Open pores require filling for a smooth surface. Often used for Musical instruments, furniture, cabinets, interiors.



   Black Palm
 Black Palm


Stocking: 4/4 & 2″x2″x12″

Black Palm has black fibers embedded in a lighter tan or light brown colored body. Fibers are more densely packed toward the outside of the tree trunk, becoming more and more sparse toward the center of the tree. The center core of the tree is soft and contains none of the darker vascular bundles that give the wood its characteristic look and hardness. Black Palm has a medium to fine texture, though it is by no means even or uniform on account of the contrast between the dense, darker fibers, and the soft, lighter cellulose structure of the wood. Grain is very straight, and contains no growth rings, or knots.


Stocking: 4/4 & 8/4

Bocote has a yellowish brown body with dramatic dark brown to almost black stripes. Color tends to darken with age. Also, the grain patterning can be quite striking, particularly on flat-sawn areas. It’s not uncommon to see many “eyes” and other figuring in Bocote: though unlike knots, they do not seem to present any special challenges in machining. Grain on most decorative pieces is usually figured in some way, and also tends to be interlocked, though pieces with plain and straight grain can also be found. Medium uniform texture and a naturally oily/waxy feel. Good natural luster. On the whole, Bocote is easily worked and machined with good results. Although Bocote has a fairly high amount of natural oils present, gluing is usually problem-free.


Stocking: 4/4 & 8/4

 Bubinga is a wood that has been used for years with success in both furnature building and in musical istruments. It is a better tonewood than it’s been given credit for. Harder and heavier than either Brazilian or Indian Rosewood, Bubinga is sometimes known as African Rosewood, although it’s not a Dalbergia. It has a medium texture with interlocking grain. It’s pinkish-mauve cast oxidizes to a nice brownish-red over time. Because of its interlocking grain, it can be like some of the more difficult Mahogany to bend. Overall. It is often highly figured.


Stocking: 4/4 & 8/4

Canarywood’s heartwood color can vary a fair amount, from a pale yellow-orange to a darker reddish brown, usually with darker streaks throughout. Pale yellow sapwood is sharply demarcated from heartwood. Color tends to darken and homogenize with age. Grain is typically straight, but can be irregular or wild on some pieces. Uniform fine to medium texture with good natural luster.


Fresh Cut

Stocking: 4/4, 8/4 & 12/4

Cherry is extremely popular with cabinetmakers and furniture makers. Cherry is easy to work, fine textured, strong and fairly durable. Highly rated in all working properties including wood bending and turning.Cherry becomes darker and richer with age. Colors range from reddish brown with a golden luster. Freshly cut cherry is often very pale, but the wood oxidizes to its famously favorable rich brown red in time.


Darkened Cherry  

 darkened Cherry

   Cherry – Curly


Stocking: 4/4

Curly Cherry is not a species it just describes Cherry that has figure with a light-refracting optical phenomenon known as chatoyancy.


Stocking: 4/4 & 8/4

Cocobolo has variegated tones of red orange and purple with darker to black contrasting grain lines. Grain pattern often swirly and or burl like. 
Typical Width = 4″ to 7″
Typical Length = 3′ to 5′
Cocobolo lumber comes from three major areas. Each have their own unique characteristics. Most of what we have is the Mexican variety:
Mexican Cocobolo
  • Beautiful red orange with heavy black and purple lines
  • Some fully purple with orange red and black lines
  • Slow growing tight ring growth beautiful figure
  Curly – Maple


Stocking: 4/4 & 8/4

Curly Maple is not actually a species, but simply a description of a figure in the grain—it occurs most often in soft maples, but is also seen in hard maples. It is so called because the ripples in the grain pattern create a three dimensional effect that appears as if the grain has “curled” along the length of the board. Other names for this phenomenon are: tiger maple, fiddleback maple, (in reference to curly maple’s historic use for the backs and sides of violins), or flamed maple 


Stocking: 4/4 & 8/4

Cypress is often noted for its durability, Cypress is one of the most beautiful species of wood available.  Natural oils within the Cypress tree make it resistant to rot and decay which makes Cypress a good choice for exterior construction.  When milled, Cypress displays a predominantly yellow tone, with reddish, chocolate or olive hues. Although Cypress is often incorporated into exterior construction, its warm soft golden appearance makes it a popular choice for interior paneling and trim and exterior furniture.
  Gaboon Ebony
 ebony blk


Stocking: 4/4 & 8/4

Gaboon Ebony‘s heartwood is usually jet-black, with little to no variation or visible grain. Occasionally dark brown or grayish-brown streaks may be present. Grain is usually straight but can also be interlocked. Fine even texture with very high natural luster. Most often used in musical instruments and as decorative pieces in furniture.
 Goncalo Alves
 Goncalo Alves


Stocking: 4/4 & 8/4
Goncalo Alves also known as Tigerwood has a heartwood that is typically a medium reddish brown with irregularly spaced streaks of dark brown to black. Color tends to darken with age. Its grain can be straight, but is usually wavy or interlocked. Fine, uniform texture with good natural luster.   Goncalo Alves has excellent weathering properties, and is rated as very durable regarding decay resistance. Goncalo Alves is generally not too difficult to work, despite its high density. Figured pieces with irregular grain can pose a challenge in planing and machining operations. Goncalo Alves can also have a moderate blunting effect on cutters. The wood is very resistant to moisture absorption, which can make it difficult to glue but it turns and finishes well. Often used in pistol and knife grips.
Stocking: 4/4
Granadillo is the common name most frequently applied to the quality hardwood that comes from several species within the Platymiscium genus (18 different ones in total). 
Granadillo has a reddish brown coloring that often includes blacks, violets and oranges mixed in. It is a premiere choice for both musical instruments and furniture. Granadillo turns easily and emits a caramel like scent when worked. It is also an excellent alternative to Cocobolo for those who do not want to deal with the excessive oil and potential allergic reactions that true rosewoods sometimes induce. Granadillo has typically a straight grain patterns with some irregularity, it is also known to have frequent figuring.
Genuine Mahogany : Also Known as Honduran Mahogany  
Stocking: 4/4, 6/4 & 8/4


 Genuine Mahogany is also known as Honduran Mahogany. Heartwood color can vary with Honduran Mahogany, from a pale pinkish brown, to a darker reddish brown. Color tends to darken with age. Grain is most often straight but can be interlocked, irregular or wavy. Texture is medium and uniform, with moderate natural luster. Rot resistance varies from moderately durable to very durable depending on density and growing conditions of the tree. (Older growth trees tend to produce darker, heavier, and more durable lumber than plantation-grown stock.)
   Hickory / Pecan: Calico Hickory
 Calico Hickory
Stocking: 4/4 & 8/4






Calic Hickory is either Hickory and Pecan are so closely related that individual specimens cannot be identified with any certainty and as such it will be a mix of Hickory and Pecan.
Woodworkers are more inclined to appreciate its hardness and it is often the wood of choice for tool handles, industrial applications and more recently as a unique wood species for home decor.
Recently it has become popular as a  hardwood flooring option, and used in furniture and kitchen cabinets.




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