Ruth Niles Bottle Stopper Mandrel B - Made in USA
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SKU 6733
#2MT-B 3/8" x 16 tpi screw with a "slit" in the threads so it is self tapping (**see bottom picture on left). The Morse taper end is threaded for a 1/4" x 20 tpi drawbar. ** the section between the Morse taper and the section that is the same diameter as the stoppers is 1 1/8" diameter creating a "shoulder" to seat flat in a jaw chuck (**as in center 2 photos on the left). This mandrel has the same #2 Morse taper, the same 3/8" x 16 tpi threads and the same 1/4" x 20 tpi threaded back end for a draw bar. This is for turners who do not want to take their chuck off the lathe so often.
This mandrel work great for ice cream scoop handles, light pulls and numerous other projects.